telephone (510) 234-1200 Address 3260 Blume Drive, Suite 110, Richmond, CA 94806

Honoring Martin Luther King Jr.

Monday, January 15th RCF Connects will commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day. All RCF Connects offices will be closed in observance.

As we commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we reflect on the enduring legacy of a leader whose tireless efforts transformed the fabric of American society. At RCF Connects, we recognize the importance of honoring Dr. King’s legacy by embracing the principles of equity and transformative philanthropy. This day serves as a poignant reminder of the ongoing struggle for equality and the pivotal role that philanthropy can play in driving meaningful change.

Equity lies at the heart of our mission. We understand that achieving true equality requires addressing the root causes of systemic disparities. This involves not only addressing the symptoms but also dismantling the structures that perpetuate inequality. Everything we do through our initiatives, programs, and activities attests to our commitment to this principle.

Transformative philanthropy, as inspired by Dr. King’s legacy, goes beyond traditional charitable acts. It involves strategic, intentional, and sustained efforts to drive systemic change. It requires us to actively seek out and support initiatives that challenge the status quo, disrupt inequitable systems, and empower historically marginalized communities.

This Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we invite our community to join us in embracing the principles of equity and transformative philanthropy. Let us reflect on the progress made, acknowledge the work that lies ahead, and commit to actively contributing to the creation of a more just and inclusive society. Together, as a community, we can build a future where equity is not just a goal but a lived reality for all.